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Press Release: United Way distributes $871,971 through General Community Fund

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United Way Supports 59 local agencies and programs

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United Way Waterloo Region Communities (UWWRC) is pleased to announce the distribution of $871,971 to 59 local agencies and programs through the General Community Fund for this quarter. The monies will fund services and programs that support basic needs, provide mental health supports, and reduce isolation. The total funds requested during this application period was over $1.7 million.

The amount distributed also includes two UWWRC endowment funds invested for this quarter: The UWWRC Forever Fund and UWWRC Tomorrow Fund. The Forever Fund includes two streams; mental health supports for children and families and innovative initiatives for seniors at risk. The UWWRC Tomorrow Fund is specific to programs and initiatives in Cambridge and North Dumfries.

Holiday Giving Campaign to help prevent homelessness

United Way WRC also recently wrapped their Holiday Giving Preventing Homelessness campaign, which raised an additional $114,270, which will also be distributed to agencies and programs working to eradicate homelessness in Waterloo Region.

United Way WRC’s General Community Fund is now distributed every 3 months in order to be more responsive to community needs and provide rapid local solutions. There is an open call for applications quarterly to fund the most relevant programs and organizations, with a more agile and focused application process, including a stronger emphasis on equity and inclusion. All funds are raised locally and are distributed to local organizations.

“2021 was a year like no other regarding shifting needs that have been exacerbated by the ongoing pandemic”, said Joan Fisk, United Way WRC CEO. “As you can see there is still a substantial gap in terms of the requests for funds and what we are able to distribute via our General Community fund and special targeted funds like our recent Holiday Campaign. We want to be sure we can continue to fulfil requests as they come in and the only way we can do that is through the generosity of our donors. We still hope that a little from a lot of our community members will allow us to ensure everyone is safe and healthy in 2022”

Funding Recipients (January – March 2022)

  1. 211
  2. A Better Tent City Waterloo Region (Sponsor: Social Development Centre)
  4. Adventure4Change
  5. Argus Residence for Young People
  6. Bereaved Families of Ontario – Midwestern Region
  7. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Waterloo Region
  8. Brain Injury Association Waterloo-Wellington
  9. Bridges to Belonging
  10. Bring on the Sunshine (sponsor: Kitchener Waterloo Multicultural Centre)
  11. Cambridge Shelter Corporation
  12. Canadian Arab Women’s Association (sponsor: CIDO, The Canadian International Development Organization)
  13. Canadian Hearing Services
  14. CNIB Foundation (formerly Canadian National Institute for the Blind)
  15. Capacity Canada
  16. Carizon Family and Community Services
  17. Child Witness Centre of Waterloo Region
  18. Children & Youth Planning Table (CYPT) (via Region of Waterloo)
  19. Community Care Concepts of Woolwich, Wellesley and Wilmot Townships
  20. Community Justice Initiatives of Waterloo Region
  21. Community Kitchen Cooperative KW Inc. (sponsor: The Church of St John The Evangelist)
  22. Compass Refugee Centre (formerly MCRS)
  23. DeafBlind Ontario Services
  24. Family Counselling Centre of Cambridge and North Dumfries
  25. Frontier College
  26. Greenway-Chaplin Community Centre
  27. Highland Stirling Community Group (HSCG)
  28. House of Friendship
  29. Immigration Partnership (via Region of Waterloo)
  30. Interfaith Community Counselling Centre (ICCC)
  31. John Howard Society of Waterloo-Wellington
  32. Kinbridge Community Association
  33. Kind Minds Family Wellness (Sponsor: Community Justice Initiatives)
  34. Kitchener-Waterloo Access-Ability
  35. Kitchener-Waterloo Counselling Services Inc
  36. Kitchener-Waterloo Multicultural Centre
  37. Langs Farm Village Association
  38. March of Dimes Canada
  39. oneROOF Youth Services
  40. Peace for All Canada (sponsor: Social Development Centre)
  41. Preston Heights Community Group
  42. Sanguen Health Centre
  43. Sexual Assault Support Centre of Waterloo Region
  44. Sexual Health Options, Resources & Education Centre (SHORE Centre)
  45. Shalom Counselling Services Inc.
  46. Social Development Centre Waterloo Region
  47. Somali Canadian Association of Waterloo Region (sponsor: Greenway-Chaplin Community Centre)
  48. Spectrum Waterloo Region’s Community Space
  49. Strong Start Charitable Organization
  50. Sunbeam Community & Developmental Services (Lead), with The Working Centre
  51. Supportive Housing of Waterloo
  52. The Healing of The Seven Generations (sponsor: Family and Children Services Waterloo Region)
  53. The Literacy Group of Waterloo Region
  54. Volunteer Action Centre of Waterloo Region
  55. Wilmot Family Resource Centre Inc.
  56. Women’s Crisis Services of Waterloo Region
  57. YMCA of Three Rivers (Midwestern Ontario)
  58. YW Kitchener-Waterloo (aka YWCA KW)
  59. YWCA Cambridge

Check out all of the the agencies we’ve been able to fund this year thanks to your support!