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Being passionate about giving starts with caring deeply about a cause, which is why we have created Issue-based Funds that wrap around local community needs, and give you the flexibility to donate to the causes you care about most. To support Waterloo Region, you can:

  1. Give to one or more of our Issue-based Funds below through our Donation Shopping Cart!
  2. Give to our Community Fund so that your dollars will be directed to where they are needed most.
Issue-based funds
Basic Needs Fund

You can help people in this community access basic and essential needs that many of us take for granted. Your gift will be directed to programs and services that help people access food in emergencies, emergency shelter due to homelessness or domestic violence, literacy supports, school readiness programs, and a variety of personal supports. Whether in need of a place to stay safe and warm, a meal to fill a tummy, training to access employment, or translation to attend personal appointments, everyone in this community deserves support. United Way WRC supported programs are there to help.

Mental Health Fund

You can help people, young and old, improve coping skills, increase self-esteem and set meaningful goals for the future. Your gift will be directed to programs and services that provide mental health supports, emergency support in times of distress, and help build long-term resiliency. Examples include: therapeutic counselling, harm reduction programs and services, and mentorship activities.

Reducing Isolation Fund

Poverty is the root cause of chronic loneliness, isolation, and feelings of disconnect. Your gift will be directed to programs and services that improve access to supports and create strong, cohesive neighbourhoods that help people in times of need. Examples include: referral services, senior’s supports, neighbourhood led activities, and leadership development.     

Addressing Addiction Fund

We have seen a dramatic increase in opioid use in Waterloo Region. Not only does opioid use affect the person struggling with addiction, it profoundly impacts their families–worries for the person experiencing the addiction, financial impact of the addiction, and the absence of that person in relationships. Your gift will be directed to programs and services that help people cope with and recover from addictions. Examples include: addictions counselling and referral, opioid education, and harm reduction and prevention strategies.

COVID-19 Community Response Fund

The pandemic is a difficult time for everyone and those who are already marginalized in our community are disproportionately impacted. You can support the work of front-line organizations that are collectively striving to ensure our most vulnerable citizens are safe and healthy. Your gift will be directed to programs and services that address urgent and emerging community needs in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Examples include, but are not limited to: urgent access to shelter, food, and crisis related supports.

For more information or questions, please reach out to us!

Finance Team

Finance Team

United Way WrC

519-888-6100 |

"There are so many causes that I am passionate about and giving to United Way means I can feel proud knowing I am helping to address not just one, but multiple issues in our community."
Ashara Meidell
United Way WRC team member & donor