Earlier this week United Way Centraide Canada (UWCC) held a special event in commemoration of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. UWCC staff across Turtle Island came together virtually for this opportunity to reflect and learn from the stories and perspectives of two Indigenous leaders. September 30, 2021, was the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, which coincides with Orange Shirt Day. Many schools and workplaces are holding events this week, taking the opportunity to reflect on the tragic legacy of residential schools, missing children, broken families, and generational trauma that remains. As a country, we have a long journey ahead, having only crossed off 13 of the 94 Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Recommendations. While we encourage everyone to wear an Orange Shirt, as a symbol and reminder of the harm done to so many helpless children, we are called to do more. We are called to consider, “What am I actively doing towards reparations?”
What you can do/suggested activities:
- National Day for Truth and Reconciliation 2023 University of Waterloo Walk September 29th from 7 AM at B.C. Matthews Hall (BMH)
- Crow Shield Lodge Honoring the Children Sacred Fire (Both In-person or Virtual) September 30th 9 AM – 1 PM GMT-4
- Healing of the Seven Generations: Every Child Matters Walk September 30th 10am Starting at 300 Frederick St. Kitchener
- Anishnabeg Outreach: National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Event September 30th 10am – 1pm at 1160 Spitzig Rd.
- NPAAMB Indigenous Youth Employment & Training: National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Event September 28th 11am to 2pm Victoria Park, Kitchener
- National Center for Truth and Reconciliation, University of Manitoba Lunch and Learns throughout the week of Sept 25th 50 Minute Session beginning at 1:30pm EST each day. Register through their website.
- THE MUSEUM Honouring Truth & Reconciliation through the Seven Grandfather Teachings Launching their new exhbit: IYINISIWIN, created by artists James Monkman (Cree) and Brian T. Moore (Settler). The immersive IYINISIWIN experience encourages guests to rediscover their interconnectedness to the universe Saturday September 30th, Registration requested
- Some additional local organizations working in this area to learn more about:
- K-W Urban Native Wigwam Project https://kwunwp.weebly.com/
- White Owl Native Ancestry Association: https://wonaa.ca/
- Guelph CHC: Indigenous Healing & Wellness https://guelphchc.ca/indigenous-healing-wellness/
- Aboriginal Health Access Centre: https://www.soahac.on.ca/