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More Homes Built Faster Act – Submission to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Submission to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing on Municipal Rental Replacement By-Laws 

On November 28, Bill 23 the More Homes Built Faster Act received Royal Assent. The Act gives the Minister the authority to impose limits and conditions on the powers of a local municipality to prohibit and regulate the demolition and conversion of residential rental properties. Such a scenario may have the unintended consequence of leading to a net loss of rental units as existing units may be demolished and replaced. With no other affordable housing options, this change could result in immediate housing instability for thousands of renter households throughout Ontario. 

With the intent to influence development of the Act’s regulations and mitigate those consequences, United Ways across Ontario, together with the Tower Renewal Partnership and Neighbourhood Change Research Partnership, provide recommendations focused on preserving and renewing existing affordable rental stock so that low-income Ontarians can remain safely and securely housed.

Read the full submission by United Ways across Ontario, Tower Renewal Partnership, Neighbourhood Change Research Partnership
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