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Leadership, volunteerism & capacity building

The Issue: Leadership, vOLUNTEERISM & capacity building

A healthy, vibrant community depends on building strong leaders, those that lead a vital network of services and supports today, as well as our future leaders. Giving ensures that we build the capabilities of present & future leaders, including young people, and those who have been marginalized; support volunteerism; build capacity in our local non-profit sector, and facilitate collaboration between service providers to build on successes. No one community organization works independently. It is essential to the success of our community that the network of services is supported. Community organizations work in a network to support our community. In order to have a strong and vibrant community, we need a strong non-profit sector


How we help

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$ 0
people helped
Number of Grants awarded

A healthy, vibrant community depends on building strong leaders. Ensuring that we build the capabilities of present & future leaders means investing in young people and those who have been marginalized, supporting volunteerism, and building capacity in our local non-profit sector. Capacity Building means equipping people and organizations with the skills and resources necessary for success.

In 2022, United Way WRC has been investing and involved in:

1. 211, a helpline to connect people to the social services, program and community supports they need.

2. Community tables like the Immigration Partnership, and Children & Youth Planning Table, that bring the community together to share knowledge and amplifying advocacy, to enhance the supports to newcomers & refugees; and children & youth, respectively.

3. Promoting volunteerism through the work of Volunteer Waterloo Region to match volunteers with local frontline agencies desperately in need of support is critical in the sector.

4. Building leadership skills throughout the communities that make up our region, like Preston Heights Neighbourhood Association’s About the Bounce program; or Peace for All Canadas work with newcomer families.

Leadership, Volunteerism & Capacity Building

Your Impact

The following are examples of impact of your donations from funded organizations and their programs.

  • Preston Heights Neighbourhood Association – 60 youth served from January to April 2023 with 98% attendance throughout the program.
  • Volunteer Waterloo Region – Volunteer Waterloo Region works with 170 local organizations and matches volunteers to support the frontline work. 
  • Volunteer Waterloo Region – 10,080 volunteer applications generated through the online recruitment tool for open positions across Waterloo Region.
  • Immigration Partnership of Waterloo Region – The team hosted a collaborative learning day for over 50 community, municipal and corporate partners focused on anti-racism action and truth and reconciliation in organizational practice, on March 21 the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
  • “We could not do our work in community without the support of the United Way Waterloo Region Communities.” – Volunteer Waterloo Region

Julie, a 40 something very fit individual, became isolated with mobility issues due to a severe illness. She met one-on-one with a team member from Volunteer Waterloo Region who was able to connect her with a volunteer position. She volunteered for a few months and then re-approached Volunteer Waterloo Region for additional volunteer opportunities as she was no longer employable. Julie has now been an invaluable resource for 4 different organizations. She credits Volunteer Waterloo Region with saving her life and has shared that she was suicidal when she stumbled upon their Centre. Connecting with organizations and feeling like she has value has gotten her back on track. By building Julie’s capability to support organizations doing good work in the community, Volunteer Waterloo Region was able to give her the leadership skills to stay connected with her community through such a personally difficult time for her. 

leadership, volunteerism & capacity building

Funded partners

Below are the community partners we were able to fund in 2022 that  support Leadership Volunteerism & Capacity Building.